We may be able to access a lot of information quickly, but that may simply mean that we’ll know very little about a lot of things, instead of developing rich, comprehensive ideas.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
New technological developments can make people anxious, causing them to focus on worst-case scenarios and to overlook the potential of new resources, so maybe I’m just being overly-concerned; but our online habits don’t appear to support deep reading or deep thinking.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Google’s collection of data about our search and viewing patterns affects the ways other companies display information online, and their economic interest in getting our attention gives them an incentive to distract us.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Google works continuously to develop search processes that make it possible to access the most relevant information in the most efficient manner, but this focus disregards how important it is for us to process information in a more nuanced, contemplative way.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Frederick Winslow Taylor established the basis for the systematized industrial processes that revolutionized factory work worldwide, maximizing efficiency by establishing an ideal process for each task.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
The internet is absorbing and recreating older technologies and forms of media, reinventing them so that they are just as multifaceted and distracting as it is.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
The material mechanisms we use to express ourselves change our thoughts and our forms of expression; our brains have an unlimited ability to adapt, but these new technologies can cause us to leave behind formerly standard ways of thinking.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
It is less common today for readers to have a deep engagement with writing; neuroscience tells us that deep reading affects our minds in ways that are likely to change as our reading habits change.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Many people prefer to skim shorter passages of text online, and some people wonder if doing so is changing the way we think.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
The internet is a wonderfully interactive and engaging way to access and review information, but it’s decreasing our ability to concentrate and affecting the ways we process information.
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
I’ve noticed over the past couple years that my attention span for reading is shorter.