A few sentences

On TW3 start with “I wonder…” Is there a way to mix up the language? Or make more clear that the repetition is purposeful?

You may get to this

But there are secular / atheist reasons to be pro-life too. The idea that no one should do something to a human (even if the human is a poorly organized collection of cells at the moment) without their consent does not require religion. Or that abortion is a form of eugenics to cull undesirables from the population (i.e. eliminate the poor so you don’t have to deal with them anymore).


You got to the eugenics argument! (I’m going to comment as I go through so apologies if you eventually get to things I comment on). I agree with the rural conservative communities regarding more liberal / urban communities with suspicion and derision. But I would argue it’s a two way street, liberal / urban communities also view rural / conservative communities the same way. We fail to see the good faith arguments in each other.

I liked the weather chat example of how things feels vs the facts.

Random thought – autism is more common in males than females. I wonder if that difficulty in understanding the feelings of a conversation more than the facts also contributes to this dynamic.

Maybe it’s because I’m reading this 2-3 pages at a time, but I liked the “*” break in between sections on TW7. Should it be in between more sections to make them more bite sized and separate each idea more?

I think it would be worth defining progressive and conservative more in this section. Is this cultural progressives and conservatives? People who believe in small government vs big government? I think there is a difference.

There are some historical points to consider. In the USA: Southern Democrats in the Jim Crow era that sought to use government coercion to enforce segregation and racial hierarchies. In the USSR: Progressive Soviets felt that the proper role for women was homemakers, making babies, and not as leaders and used government force to keep that in place.

Lots of good stuff to chew on so far!

I like the book ends of opening and closing line, effect

I like the currency has a money and flow of energy. Reminds me of “The God of the Machine” by Isabella Patterson who tried to state that energy of the economy was similar (haven’t read the whole book, but excerpts had similar points)

Maybe we need new terms than progressive vs conservative. That often implies political connections like the size and scope of government. However, I’ve definitely seen some conservatives (especially libertarians) who agree about the constantly evolving state of culture. And I’ve definitely seen progressive who want to keep hierarchy in place. Maybe we need new terms for these types of people who embrace or resist change…


Really interested in this story of this “vagrant.” Compelling story of his life and time.

There’s a sentence that starts with “But in a song…” My English teacher told me never to start a sentence with “But,” but I don’t know if that’s still true?